Sentimientos olvidados,

Sunday, November 12th

There are certain simple joys in life we become accustomed to going without. The longer we don’t experience them, the less we remember how special they are. But when these small warm feelings are recovered, often only by chance, we wonder if and how we ever took them for granted.

An early morning wander along quiet Sunday streets, without an iPod in my ear. People slowly strolling, swapping subtle smiles, a whole day of ease and rest ahead. Cafes opening their doors, espresso machines steaming to life, city workers shuffling to recover the streets from Saturday night’s various celebrations. The simple sounds of Sunday, I'd forgotten the feelings of peace and recovery they bring.

Or an English greeting. Just 2 months into my Spanish life I am amazed by how comforting that was; one intuitive barista, serving with a simple 'have a great morning', making me feel recognized and welcomed and relevant all at once.

Waking up with a warm body laying near, perfectly balanced (neutralized) by an open balcony window, the cold morning breeze tucking us in tighter, closer. Natural, sleepy shifts, like puzzle pieces on a tiny canvas. Skin on skin; safe, comfortable, complacent. I have felt this before, I remember now… such a long time ago.

An indie acoustic playlist, a fresh pot of green, opening my laptop with words already spilling out through my fingertips. That is the loveliest and too-often forgotten feeling of them all.


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